- 分类:关于我们
- 发布时间:2017-11-24 00:00:00
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扬州市大明包装制品有限公司位于历史文化名城扬州东郊,紧靠黄金水道长江北岸,北连沪陕高速(G40),南接312国道和沪宁高速公路,西连扬溧高速润扬大桥,南邻沿江高等级公路,公司占地 2万平方米,拥有先进的制盖专业技术和设备,是国内大型专业瓶盖生产企业。
扬州市大明包装制品有限公司 ,始终把质量作为立厂之本,狠抓产品质量,完善服务体系,以实现可靠的产品,严格的管理,周到的服务,理想的效果为目标,愿与国内外客商精诚合作,共创未来。
Yangzhou Daming Packing Products Company lo— cated in the east suburbs of Yangzhou.a famous and ancient city on the north side of yangtze River,with a state highway of No.328 and a Ning—tong expressway near its north and a state highway of No.3 1 2 and a Hu—Ning expressway near its south. The company covers 20000㎡areas and possesses many ad— vanced profeshional machinery for producing caps iS one of large—scale manufacturing sites for producing special caps in China.
Yangzhou Daming Packing Products Company present can produces Various kinds of high quality caps such as outward Windillg—metal caps and anti—theft caps in qualities of aluminium and plastic as well on zip—top can caps.The com— pany not only possesses aswmced production linesfor produc— ing caps but also pel’fect selling networks and advanced elec— tric computm‘business system covered from designing.mask— making.cap—producing to technical services.Based on thin‘e foundations,the cap produced by our company are always farourable to a large number of consunmers and customers.
Yangzhou Daming Packing Products Company Ltd.Takes the products qusition as a most important key to the imprognable position all along.Om’aimis to produce first—class run firSt—class managem ent,to give first—class services and to take first—class effects and our wish is to cooperate with busi— nessman at home and abroad to create best products together with us.